I created this piece some seven years ago. I remember clearly the night I painted it. My baby was only few weeks and I had someone visiting from abroad and I felt a bit overwhelmed having a long stay visitor when I was trying to find my feet as a new mum. At the time I was unable to verbalize how I felt so I transferred my emotions at the time unto canvas.Today I had the opportunity to turn this piece into something new, and felt why not, I have come a long since those years and I was happy to say goodbye to the piece. To me the new piece symbolizes all things coming together in the end. Sometimes we feel like we are going round in circles but things almost always work out in the end. |
Great backstory and lovely transformation!
Flipping gorgeous and a fitting conclusion.
Thank you both very much for your kind words. For me being creative is such a powerful outlet, I will encourage anyone to try it.
Best Wishes
Love the piece you posted on the 23 Feb. Reminds me of something a saw at a at Francisco Cabral exhitibtion over 15 yrs ago. His piece (much different to yours) had a similar 'colouring' the 'warm pinks' makes me think of the joy and beauty of womanhood. I realise this may not be you intent, but that's how it makes me feel :0) I love it!
Breath talking Chelsea. Your pieces get me every time!
Thank you MsXpat!!! I love your name and thank you for the lovely comment I am happy you like the piece, to be honest I do not usually work with pink tones but was suggested to me for an exhibition so I thoughth I will try......as it happens.......I have since today, an hour ago in fact painted over it again, I was not feeling the lines and wanted to smooth it over but went a bit with my mood, I will share the results tomorrow. Love hearing from you!!!
Best Wishes
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