Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pictoral Fiction Project Update

As promised is the update on how I've been getting on with the Fiction project. I have started writing on a few pages which, was daunting at first as I was afraid to make mistakes - { I am handwriting everything} but it turned out fine. It just goes to show how reliant we are on the PC!

I am still very much enjoying this process, I try to do a few pages a week but its tricky fitting it around my day job, taking care of my family and home. But I'll say this, it has been very therapeutic !!!!

Charcoal on gesso

Mixed media-paper,markers,stamps, pens,wax, oil pastels and chalk pastels  

Markers, pens and pencils and wax crayons

Top view of the journal

Water colour on gesso- oil pastel, markers, pen, markers, pencil and stamps
 Charcoal on gesso

3D effect wax crayon, layered paper and water colour

chalk pastel, makers and pens

Water colour, oil pastel and felt tip pens

 paper fabric layered and pens

Chalk pastel

Water colour

Water colour

Warer colour - paper layers- 3D effect Add

Oil pastel and acrylic paint

Water colour

Water colour

Water colour

Journal opened


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful work Chelsea, I am LOVING IT!!!Congrats my dear! Keep sharing!

Love ya loads,

Think it! Create it! said...

Brilliant work, our eyes are on this project!

Global Sound Check said...

Absolutely astonishing work here. Please continue to allow your creative spirit to flow on every page. We are truly enjoying it.

USA, Canada, Caribbean.

Unknown said...

Based on what we are seeing here, we can actually feel the texture of your work, it takes a true artist to achieve such an emotion and let it transcend onto your audience.

Lift TV Team,


thank you for the wonderful feedback, I am truly touched!

best wishes



Thank you LIFT I am very encouraged by your comment


Anonymous said...

When will this be coming to a city near me! :-)


Global Sound Check said...

We keep coming back to your blog and viewing the pages, really do love it! Would be great to see a slide show of it. Great work Chelsea.

MsXpat said...

I love seeing how your journal is coming togeher. I especially like the watercolour bits. Watercolours is a medium close to my heart. I'm no artist but I've alway love the fluidity and transparency that watercolours can give to a piece.

MsXpat said...

I love seeing how your journal is coming togeher. I especially like the watercolour bits. Watercolours is a medium close to my heart. I'm no artist but I've alway love the fluidity and transparency that watercolours can give to a piece.

Checiegirl said...
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Checiegirl said...

Hi A.Chelsea I just love all your work so far but my favouriteone is the water colour on gesso- oil pastel, markers, pen, markers, pencil and stamps. Its sooo colourful and bright, I love it!


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