Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Great news!!!!!  one of my large paintings were sold! Some wonderful person, saw it exhibited at the LWS cafe , purchased it and took it  straight away!!!.



Kella said...

So very proud and happy for you, well done Chick!!

Think it! Create it! said...

Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you. Glass of wine we go!

itsRenataLive said...

Well done Chelsea!!! And theses are the moments hon! Blessings Flowing...Love it!!!

Unknown said...

Hip Hip..Hoooraaaayyyy!!! Great News for a GREAT Artist! Congrats, great to see your work paying off continually.

Global Sound Check said...

Ahhh, great work deserves great rewards. We have our eyes on you. Congrats as always to a job well done.

Anonymous said...

Congrats...I hear a bottle goes fizzzzzzzz...

Anonymous said...


Congratulations. I am very proud of you. This is the beginning of many Great Blessings to come. You are a brilliant business woman.

Love Mom.


Thank you all so very much for all the kind words!

I am very pleased!


Although I have sold about 14 pieces already it has always been to people I know, but for a stranger to like it and to make a purchase. It is a lovely feeling!

Checiegirl said...

So very well done A.Chelsea I feel soo happy for you that you sold a painting its brilliant!!!!

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

A great piece, the owner is one lucky soul!

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