I am so happy to be living in my purpose in this moment. I am busy preparing for my Open House event on the 10th of November. I am very delighted to showcase all my handmade accessories and jewellery and Art .This process has been very wonderful for me because I am a kinetic learner and doing things where I can use all my senses leaves me in an elevated state of mind. While I have a major check-list to tick off to ensure the event is enjoyed by all and is a success I can truly say I am enjoying every minute of it. I will do my best to post more photos soon to show you what I have been so busy creating but for the moment I must get back to my creating. Until then take care and have an amazing day and weekend.
Wonderful that you're so fulfilled!
WOW!!! I bet you can hardly wait. So happy for you! Can't wait to see your array of items displayed on a table. This is exciting indeed!
Thank you B&R and Sonya!!!I am truly enjoying this process!!
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