I have been away from blogger land for a while as life has taken me on a journey. Sometimes unexpected events in life occur which later lend to inspiration for new works and creative outlets. I have not be able to paint for a while but I have discovered the therapeutic joy of art journalling and art spilling...using watercolour as my main medium of choice. I am now in love with watercolour as I find its usage most relaxing and I do not have to deal with the scent of acrylics or oils.
This was one of the first ones I tried with watercolour. I did it during market trading in central London a few months back to pass the time during the quiet periods.I find doing something crafty really fills the gap when the crowd goes a bit thin. I really enjoy being productive so walking with a little bag with things to do works well for me!!
I will be sharing more of my journal pages very soon until then keep well...........if you do craft shows or market trading what do you do to pass the time? Please share.
Welcome back honey! I look forward to reading entries and seeing work, as you know I'm a lover of watercolour.
Thank you MsXpat! nice hearing from you and I look forward to sharing alot more very soon.
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